WLA - Fundamentals of Quality Improvement Bundle (QIV QI Bundle)

14 coures for a total of 7 CME, CNE, AAPA credits

Fundamentals of Quality Improvement Certificate This essential self-paced, asynchronous coursework in the fundamentals of quality improvement consists of virtual, online modules and offers continuing education credits. (6 hours to complete) Register here!

1. Principles of Quality and Safety  (EM_8112 - 0.5 Credits - expires 4/18/2025)

Before you begin your quality improvement journey, there are some fundamental concepts that are useful to understand. This class provides you with critical baseline knowledge to know before you tackle quality improvement projects.

2. Lean Fundamentals  (EM_8052  - 0.5 Credits - Expires 4/18/2025)

This course provides learners with an overview of the principles of lean, a methodology for improvement to improve flow and outcomes while reducing waste.

3. Assessing the Current State  (EM_8051 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 4/18/2025)

This course will provide the learner with tools and a framework to effectively understand your current state in all of its complexity.

4. Building the Right Team  (EM_50417 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 12/1/2025)

Building an effective team is the foundation of a successful project. This module will guide learners through building the right team for their project.

5. Data for Quality Improvement  (EM_8055 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 4/18/2025)

Understanding data is critical when you are designing, implementing, and sustaining quality improvement change efforts. This course provides a framework and tools for defining your measures and gathering and interpreting your data.

6. Plan-Do-Study ACTS (EM_34112 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 9/5/2026)

This course provides learners with an overview of the Plan-Do- Study-Act (PDSA) method. PDSA is a four-stage problem-solving model used for improving a process or carrying out change.

7. Human Factors Design  (EM_3176 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 4/18/2025)

Human factors design is the study of how human strengths and limitations interact in their real-world environment taking into account conditions such as technology, workflow, staffing, and culture. This course provides an overview of human factors concepts that you can apply to your workplace is to improve safety, effectiveness, and the ease of use of resources.

8. Sustaining Change  (EM_8054 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 5/25/2025)

Too often in health care, as in daily life, we implement changes that are initially successful but difficult to sustain. In this class, you will learn a framework for implementing sustainable change so that your improvement investments and resources are less likely to go to waste.

9. Storytelling: Making Your Quality Improvement (QI) Project Your QI Story  (EM_32394 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 9/5/2023)

Storytelling in presentations is a powerful way to grab attention. This course provides the background to storytelling and how to apply these concepts to telling your Quality Improvement story in a way that will impact your audience.

10.  Spreading Your Success (EM_64762 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 6/3/2024)

This module will guide learners through defining and determining the purpose of their presentation. It will offer tools to develop an engaging and powerful presentation and tips for becoming an effective presenter.

11.  Developing Effective Educational Modules  (EM_67894 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 8/4/2024)

Education is a necessary part of the change process. This module will walk you through the process of how to successfully build a value-added education piece to accompany any new change.

12.  Developing Effective Questionnaires & Survey Procedures for Program Evaluation and Development   (EM_67807 - 0.5 Credits- Expires 8/3/2024)

Questionnaires and surveys are a common component to any quality improvement project. This course will provide you with concepts to facilitate an effective questionnaire or survey for your project.

13.  Overview of Research Methods and Publication   (EM_67880 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 8/4/2024)

This course will provide the basic concepts of research to consider before beginning a research project. As with many research endeavors, publishing results is often an expectation. Participants will also find many tips and tricks to help you successfully publish your research outcomes.

14.  Elementary Statistical Concepts (EM_67889 - 0.5 Credits - Expires 8/4/24)

This course is designed to introduce the learner to basic statistical concepts that are useful not only in fully understanding data presentations and analysis in published literature, but also in preparing your own projects for publication

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 7.00 AAPA Category I CME
    • 0.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 7.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
    • 7.00 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 7.00 ANCC
    UPMC Provider Unit is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
  • 7.00 Attendance
    • 0.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
WISER -Wolff Learning Academy
United States

Available Credit

  • 7.00 AAPA Category I CME
    • 0.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 7.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
    • 7.00 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 7.00 ANCC
    UPMC Provider Unit is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
  • 7.00 Attendance
    • 0.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
Please login or register to take this course.

This training is not hosted on this website, please access the training via the Wolff Learning Academy WLA - WLA Home (wolfflearningacademy.com)