WLA - Quality Outcomes Essentials For Leaders Bundle
This bundle consists of 5 WLA courses:
EM_15894 - Commercial Payor Program.docx for 0.5 credits
EM_ 15896 - Pennsylvania Quality and Public Reporting.docx for 0.5 credits
EM_15895 - National Quality and Public Reporting (QD National).docx for 0.5 credits
EM_15892 - Federal Quality and Public Reporting (QD Federal).docx for 0.5 Credits
EM_28184 - QI Projects, Research, and REDCap at UPMC.docx for 0.5 Credits
WISER -Wolff Learning Academy
United States
Available Credit
- 2.50 AAPA Category I CME
- 0.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
- 2.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
- 2.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
- 2.50 ANCCUPMC Provider Unit is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
- 2.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
- 2.50 Attendance
- 0.50 Patient Safety/Risk Management
This training is not hosted on this website, please access the training via the Wolff Learning Academy WLA - WLA Home (wolfflearningacademy.com)