2023 TransPride YOUniting Health & Wellness Conference
LGBTQ2SIA+ people come from all walks of life, all races and ethnicities, all ages, all socio-economic statuses, all parts of the United States and from all over the world. Recent studies tell us that gender diverse people make up 7-9% of the population, which is significantly more than prior, lower, estimates that were likely due to rampant underreporting. Of this vast transgender and gender diverse demographic, Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color continue to experience tremendous discrimination and inequality in healthcare.
The 2022 TransPride Health and Wellness Conference perseveres during a time when transgender and gender diverse individuals, particularly young people, are the targets of a coordinated legislative campaign that seeks to revoke their rights to participate in sports as their affirmed gender while also criminalizing and denying critical access to gender-affirming care. This conference rallies against these issues by centering the lives and lived experiences of the transgender and gender non-conforming community. We are striving to bring together not only community members but their families, allies, advocates, educators, and healthcare professionals in a space of mutual learning through shared perspectives and experience.
Building off past years, this year's theme "Engage, Educate, Advocate'', challenges our professional allies to rise to the task of meeting the community where it is while also raising the voices of the gender diverse community members alongside or above their own. It is also a call to address myths and misinformation through advocacy and peer-reviewed scientifically accurate education. We have actively recruited speakers who are community members themselves, and we encourage all other professional speakers to include community voices or co-presenters in the spirit of "nothing for us, without us". We truly believe that the best new ideas are forged when communities and institutions come together. We are also firm in our belief that the needs of LGBTQ2SIA+ people should always be considered in public health efforts to improve overall health and eliminate health disparities.
Our vision is that all humans exist across diverse spectrums of biological traits, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, and other intersectional traits: that anti-racism is the foundation that gender and sexual equality must be built upon. We encourage professionals, to consider the ways in which you can treat transgender, non-binary, other gender diverse, and intersex patients with as much dignity, respect, and clinical competency as cisgender patients.
Through education, dialog, and narrative humility we acknowledge “that our patients' stories are not objects that we can comprehend or master, but rather, dynamic entities that we can approach and engage with, while simultaneously remaining open to their ambiguity and contradiction and engaging in constant self-evaluation and self-critique.” (DasGupta 2008) Comprehensive, institutional, gender diversity and cultural competency is essential to our goal of treating clients and patients exactly as they wish and deserve to be treated.
Our speakers this year will discuss gender diversity, medical, surgical, social, and behavioral health care needs, affirming voice and communication, affirming physical and occupational therapy, research, legal advocacy, support for schools and education, support for parents and caregivers, best practices, and cultural competencies when working with transgender, nonbinary, and other gender diverse or intersex persons, and/or their caregivers.
Target Audience
Members of the transgender, non-binary, gender diverse, and intersex communities; Behavioral, medical and other health care providers and staff (including physicians, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and PAs); community providers and social workers; health and gender science educators; physical and occupational therapy providers and staff; voice & communication educators and providers; school administrators, educators, and staff; parents and caregivers of gender diverse youth and adults; legal professionals and advocates for trans and gender diverse services and civil rights; community activists and advocates; legislators and policy makers; and families and allies of gender diverse people.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this program, participants should be able to:
1. Describe skill and increased cultural competency for providing mental, medical, and other supportive health services to transgender, non-binary, other gender diverse, and intersex individuals.
2. Explain the value of lived experience and discuss the societal challenges facing transgender, other gender diverse, and intersex individuals and how best to advocate for improve access to and quality of care.
3. Describe the scientific peer-reviewed evidence that supports age-appropriate gender affirming care in contrast to the misinformation and ignorance being used to discredit and discriminate against community members and their care providers.
4. Recognize that intersectionality and diversity are the foundations of what it means to be human and that racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual equity must be inclusive and respectful of transgender, non-binary and intersex status and identity.
Agenda – October 5, 2023
8:00 to 9:30 AM
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Forging Forward: An intentional and communal approach to health and wellnesss
9:45 to 10:45 AM Breakout Sessions I
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Introduction to gender affirming care
[APA] The Courage Project: Panel of Clinicians
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Supporting parents and caregivers of Transgender Youth: Supporting inquiry and making way for change
[APA] Self Disclosure as a Therapeutic Intervention
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Hate Crime Awareness and Prevention
[No CE] The More they Stay the Same: Connecting Trans History and Contemporary Attacks
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Breakout Sessions II
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Letters for Health Insurance Coverage for Gender Affirming Care
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Peer Support & Mentorship for Transgender and Nonbinary
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Beyond sexual function: Facilitating embodiment and sexual wellbeing for patients pursuing and postoperative genital surgery
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Neuro Diversity and Gender Diversity
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Creating a Safe and Competent Space for Gender Care
[No CE] Electrolysis - Permanent Hair Removal
12:45 to 1:45 PM Breakout Sessions III
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Practicing patient centered and trauma informed care during a gynecologic visit
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Beyond the Organ Inventory: Using Gender Inclusive, Body-Centered, and Patient Self-Identified Language in Practice
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Incorporating Enthusiastic Consent into Medical Exams
[No CE] Gender-Affirming Care: The Legislative Landscape and Advocacy Strategies
[No CE] Lynette Reini-Grandell in conversation with Venus de Mars about Wild Things: A Trans-Glam-Punk-Rock Love Story
[No CE] Breaking Barriers: Reaching Trans Youth in Rural Communities Through Virtual Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)
[No CE] Putting the Pieces Together: Discovering and Becoming Your Authentic Self
2:00 to 3:00 PM Breakout Sessions IV
[APA] A Psychiatrist's Role in Pediatric Gender-Affirming Care
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Navigating barriers to LGBTQIA+ healthcare Professionals
[AMA] Beyond GAHT management 201: Complex GAC cases
[No CE] Transgender Empathy Training
[No CE] Phalloplasty Panel - Patient Perspectives Care
3:15 to 4:15 PM Breakout Sessions V
[No CE] The Transgender Research Informed Consent (TRICON) Disclosure Policy
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Supporting Gender Diverse Adolescents Experiencing Sexual Exploitation and Economic Abuse
[No CE] Right to Play: Title IX & Sports
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Ethical Non Monogamy
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Mentorship Matters: Effective Mentorship Strategies for Early Professionals
[No CE] TGNC and LGBQ+ Resilience and Suicide Prevention: The Importance of Active Allyship Care
[No CE] Intersectionality of the Black Transgender Child
4:45 to 6:15 PM
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Transgender Resilience in The Modern Rainbow Scare
Agenda – October 6, 2023
8:00 to 9:30 AM
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Life of a transman in NorthEast India
9:45 to 10:45 AM Breakout Sessions I
[APA, ASWB] Art Therapy Approaches for Dissociative Identity Response
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Barriers to supporting autistic trans young people
[No CE] How can brain research improve outcomes in TGD populations?
[APA] Letter Writing for Gender Affirming Care
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Beyond 101 - Q to the power of E and Empathetic LGBTQ+ Peer Support
[No CE] Music Therapy in Action
[No CE] Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Breakout Sessions II
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] LGBTQ+ Barriers in Physical Therapy Education and Practice: A Qualitative Study from the Patients’ Perspective
[AMA] Updates in Gender-Affirming Medical Care: assessment and applying new knowledge from the literature
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] The Origins of and Trajectory of Anti-Trans Pseudoscience Networks
[No CE] Creating Safe Poetry/Art Communities for Trans/Nonbinary & Neurodiverse Individuals
[No CE] Minimally/non-invasive gender affirming medical aesthetic/cosmetic affirmation services available in Pittsburgh, PA
[No CE] Igniting the Potential of All Youth- Big Siblings Proposal 2023
[No CE] Empowering Transgender and Gender Diverse Adults: Navigating the Career Development and Job Search Journey
12:45 to 1:45 PM Breakout Sessions III
[ASWB, APA] The Courage Project: Trans and Nonbinary Art Themes
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Large Scale Discrimination and it's Impact on Individuals
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Research Abstracts & Community Projects Presentations
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Understanding eating disorders in TGD youth
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Gender dysphoria or mood disorder? A primer for treating clinicians on recognizing comorbid psychiatric symptoms in gender-incongruent patients
[No CE] SESH: Sex Education Social Hour
[No CE] Wellbeing of Campers Attending a Transgender/Gender-Diverse Summer Camp
2:00 to 3:00 PM Breakout Sessions IV
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Microaggressions & Building Patient Trust in a Challenging Environment
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Gender-Affirming Hospice and Palliative Care
[AMA] Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients
[No CE] Beyond sexual function: Embodiment and wellbeing after genital surgery
[No CE] Finding Your Voice: A Singing Workshop
[No CE] Feminine Style for All Genders
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Beyond the Binary: Surgical Options in Chest Surgery
3:15 to 4:15 PM Breakout Sessions V
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Supporting Queer Students in Schools: Lessons from over a decade of work in Pittsburgh Public Schools
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Beginning Clinical Work with Trans Youth
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Gender Diversity in Electronic Health Records: The Silicon Sword of Damocles
[AMA] Beyond Common Medical Management in Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients
[No CE] The In and the Out: Trans Self-Life-Writing as Discovery and Advocacy
[No CE] Gender-Affirming Personal Training
[No CE] Sound is Movement: Finding Your Authentic Voice Through Physical Gesture
4:30 to 6:00 PM
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Considerations for Gender-Affirming Surgery
Agenda – October 7, 2023
9:15 to 10:15 AM Breakout Sessions I
[APA, ASWB] Finding Pride After 50-How the Socio-Political Environment Influenced The Coming Out Process
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] What's Hot and What's Not: How Biomedical Prevention is Making Sex Safer
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Context matters: Improving sexual health conversations in healthcare with trans men and transmasculine people
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Double Rainbows: The Fascinating Connection Between Autism and Gender Identity
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Mental health and quality of life among gender diverse and cisgender autistic adults across the lifespan
[No CE] Panel: Feminizing Facial Surgery, Experiences, both expected and unexpected
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Gender-Affirming Surgery: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?
1:00 to 2:30 PM
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Had I’d known I would’ve lived this long I would of taken better care of myself!
2:30 to 3:30 PM Breakout Sessions IV
[APA] Assessment Letters for TGD Folks 101
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Centering Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Voices in Online Mental Health Help-Seeking Interventions
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC] Attending to the Spiritual Health of Trans and Nonbinary Youth in Christian Family Settings
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Using Visual Voices to Examine Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Experiences Among Transgender and Nonbinary Survivors of IPV
[No CE] Creating Inclusive Support Spaces
[No CE] Voice Training’s Evolution: Gender Liberation & Modern Application
[No CE] Fully pickled: Community member experiences undergoing and thriving after metoidioplasty and phalloplasty
3:45 to 4:45 PM Breakout Sessions V
[AAPA, APA, AMA, ANCC, ASWB] Exploring Transness and Dissociative Identity Disorder
[No CE] Finding Your Voice, Fundamentals (This session will NOT be recorded)
[APA] Diagnosing Autism
[No CE] Using Yogic Principles for Self-Discovery and Intention Setting
[No CE] Transparenting: A Panel Discussion by PFLAG Pittsburgh
[No CE] Managing Misinformation and Conflict in a Peer-to-Peer Group Setting
Registration Required - Live Stream (Zoom) Event on Whova Events Platform
Thursday/Friday-ZOOM sign-in at 7:30 AM;
Program: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Saturday - ZOOM sign-in at 9:00 AM;
Program: 9:15 AM to 5:30 PM
Course Directors and Committee Members
Braeden Bash, MPAS, PA-C (Physician’s Assistant Course Director) (They/Them/Theirs)
UPMC Children’s Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
Justice Renée Bovee (She/Her/Hers)
Former Young Earth Christian Fundamentalist Minister, Trans-Female, Founder of Secular North
Minneapolis, MN
Mike Elliot, MS, NCC, Lpc (Course Director)
Clinical Director
Elliot Counseling
Pittsburgh, PA
Morgan Faeder, MD, PhD (Medical Director) (He/Him/His)
Director, UPMC Consult Liasison Psychiatry Fellowship
Medical Director, Neuropsychiatry
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology
UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA
Leah Helou, PhD CCC-SLP (Course Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Department of Communication Science & Disorders
Pittsburgh, PA
Kacie Kidd, MD (Medical Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Medical Director, Gender & Sexual Development Clinic
WVU Medicine Children's
West Virginia University School of Medicine
Morgantown, WV
Emily Kleckner (She/Her/Hers)
Founder & President
The TransVerse
Oxnard, CA
Janet Leung, MD (Medical Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Clinical Assistant Professor
Associate Program Director in Quality
Quality and Transgender Lead
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Kelly O’Toole, MSW, LCSW (Course Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Director of Clinical Care Services, Adult Services
UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
Christopher Robinson, DEd, MSW, LSW (Course Director) (He/him/his)
BSW Program Director
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Pennsylvania State University Greater Allegheny
Pittsburgh, PA
Dana L. Rofey, PhD, FTOS, FAED (Course Director)
Director of the Pittsburgh Obesity, Weight,
and Emotion Research for Gender Diverse Youth (POWER-G) Lab
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Psychology, CTSI
University of Pittsburgh Medical School
Pittsburgh, PA
Lyndsey Sickler, BA, SME (Course Director) (They/Them/Theirs)
Youth Program Manager
Pittsburgh Youth Haven
Co-Chair, TransPride Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Alicyn Simpson, CPS, SME (Course Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Community Navigator, Gender and Sexual Development Program
Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Health
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Co-Founder, Co-Leader Trans Buddy PGH
Pittsburgh, PA
Aubrey Snyder, LSW (Social Work Course Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Transition Care Coordinator
UPMC Children’s Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
Dena Stanley, SME (She/Her/Hers)
Founder, Director TransYOUniting
Pittsburgh, PA
Erika Troitino, CNRP (Nursing Course Director) (She/Her/Hers)
UPMC Children’s Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
Carol VanZile, LCSW (Course Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Director BH Regulatory, Compliance
and Accreditation/Compliance Officer
UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
Michaela Waltz, AA, SME (She/Her/Hers)
International Transgender Health
Pittsburgh, PA
Tessa Watkins (They/Them/Theirs)
AuRise Creative
Pittsburgh, PA
Ann Williamson, PT, DPT (Course Director) (She/Her/Hers)
Cert Health Informatics
Associate Professor, Director of Clinical Education
School of Health Sciences Data Systems Coordinator
Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Chatham University
Pittsburgh, PA
Keynote Speakers and Faculty
Lais Alexander, MA
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Coley Alston, Master of Public Health
Hugh Lane Wellness Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Ylenia Baldanza, BA, MA
Milan, Italy
Miranda Barnett, BA, MFA
Metamorphosis Voice
Greenville, SC
Fiona Barnhill (She/Her)
Vocal Coach
Harmonic Speech
Austin, TX
Tracy Baton, MPAS, PA-C
Hugh Lane Wellness Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Ingrid Beute, MA
University of Pittsburgh Student Affairs
Pittsburgh, PA
Tallulah Breslin, MS, CCC-SLP (she/they)
Gender & Identity Affirming Behavioral Voice Modification & Speech Language Pathology
Harmonic Speech Therapy
Pat Brosseau, BS
Pittsburgh, PA
Elizabeth Mason-Brown, MM, MT-BC
Director of Creative Arts Programming at Charlie Health
Devin Browne (He/Him/His)
Teacher of French & Russian
Brashear High School
Pittsburgh, PA
Monica Bullock (She/Her/Ella)
Centura Health, WPATH, AAHPM
Colorado Springs, CO
Hazell Azzer Carpenter-Saunders, BA
Pittsburgh, PA
Elijah Castle (He/Him/His)
Research Associate
NYU Langone Health
New York, NY
Corrin Corbin, MA, ATR-P
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Lamont Craven
Clinical Outreach Manager,
Western PA at Charlie Health
Kate Davoli, MDiv (They/Them)
Chair of LAMP
Pittsburgh, PA
Avi Diamond, MA, BS
Pittsburgh, PA
Donal Donovan (He/They, They/Them)
Exercise Specialist
Free Will Health and Wellness
Pittsburgh, PA
Kevin Dorman, MS, CCC-SLP
Greensboro, NC
Antonia D’orsay, PhD, MS, MA (She/Her/Hers)
Borrego Springs, CA
Kristen Eckstrand, MD, PhD
(She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs)
Fellow, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
Nick Eliot (They/He/Him)
MNTA Duluth
Duluth, MN
Jesse Gordon, DO (She/Her)
Central Outreach Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Jose Guzman-Corrales, MA
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Melissa Hofmann (She/Her/Hers)
Associate Professor
Regis University
Sam Hope, NCPS, BACP
Liverpool, UK
Caleb Jackson, B.S. Psychology
Pittsburgh, PA
Nicole Johnson, LPC, M.Ed, CLC,
Oak and Ivy Therapy Services
Boise, Idaho
John Kerwin
City University of New York (CUNY)
Colleen Krajewski, MD (She/Her/Hers)
Allegheny Health Network
Pittsburgh, PA
Ellie Zara Ley, MD – Keynote Speaker (She/Her/Hers)
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Gender Confirmation Center
San Francisco, CA
Sahna Lohr
Inclusive Aestheticas Spa
Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Lulu, Pediatrician (Retired)
San Antonio, Texas
Connor Mahon
Senior Director of Youth Services
Camp Lilac
Pittsburgh, PA
Sara Mar
Whitman-Walker Institute
Washington, D.C.
Elliot Marrow, Ph.D. candidate
Boston, MA
Shawn McGill, MSW (He/Him/His)
Shawn McGill Consulting
Pittsburgh, PA
Quinnehtukqut McLamore, Ph.D
Columbia, MO
Morgan Might, BS
Pittsburgh, PA
Travis Mills
Duluth, MN
Jess Morgan (They/Them/Their)
Author, Poet
Duluth, MN
Shane Morrison, MD (He/Him)
Seattle Children’s
Seattle, WA
Nancy Mulligan, PT, DPT,OCS (She/Her)
Director of Clinical Education & Associate Professor
Regis University
Denver, CO
Alex Jackson Nelson, MSW, LGSW (He/Him/His)
Gender Services Consultant, Care Management
Blue Cross Blue Shiels of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Jamie Ober
Ober Yahr Electrolysis
Pittsburgh, PA
Kayla Ortiz, BA, MPH, CHES (Provisional) (She/Her/Hers)
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Blair Peters, MD (He/They)
Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery – Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Department of Urology
Transgender Health Program
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Ana Radovic (She/Her)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Lynette Reini-Grandell, Ph.D (She/Her)
Minneapolis, MN
Nicky Ripley, Esq. (They/Them/Theirs)
Legal Aid Attorney
Hugh Lane Wellness Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Sarah Rizzi, MA
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Jennifer Rozell-Whitaker, LPC
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Hannah Ryan, MA
Elliot Counseling
Pittsburgh, PA
Moira Ryan, LPC
Vanessa Schmithorst, Ph.D
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Sarah Scott, MA
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Kelly Stevens, DPT
Chicago, Illinois
Abi Strong, SLP
Strong Style Solutions
Phoenix, AZ
Ashley Taylor, MSEd, CCC-SLP
Vocal Coach
Harmonic Speech
Anne Ulizio, BA
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Jason Van Ness, MSW
Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Anastasia Walker (She/Her/Hers)
Author, Poet
Pittsburgh, PA
Casey Watkins, MS, NCC
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Case Weaverling, MA
Awareness & Wellness Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Ceci Westbrook (She/Her/Hers)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow
Western Psychiatric Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
Zoe Weinstein, MS, CCC-SLP
Vocal Coach
Harmonic Speech
New York
Kelley Winters, Ph.D (She/Her/Hers)
Geekstress, Administrator
International Transgender Health Forum
Steven Wolfe, DO, MPH, FAAFP, AAHIVS
Allegheny Health Network,
Pittsburgh, PA
For additional information regarding presenters or presentations, please contact Alicyn Simpson at alicyn.simpson@chp.edu.
In support of improving patient care, the University of Pittsburgh is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Physician (CME)
The University of Pittsburgh designates this live activity for a maximum of 22.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Nursing (CNE)
The maximum number of hours awarded for this Continuing Nursing Education activity is 22.0 contact hours.
Physician Assistant (AAPA)
The University of Pittsburgh has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 22.0 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.
As a Jointly Accredited Organization, University of Pittsburgh is approved to offer psychology continuing education by the American Psychological Association. University of Pittsburgh maintains responsibility for this course. Psychologists completing this course receive 22.0 continuing education credits.
Social Work
As a Jointly Accredited Organization, University of Pittsburgh is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved under this program. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. University of Pittsburgh maintains responsibility for this course. Social workers completing this course receive 22.0 continuing education credits.
Other health care professionals will receive a certificate of attendance confirming the number of contact hours commensurate with the extent of participation in this activity.
Available Credit
- 22.00 AAPA Category I CME
- 22.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
- 22.00 ANCCUPMC Provider Unit is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
- 22.00 APA
- 21.00 ASWB
- 22.00 Attendance
Register/Take course
Click "Register" to complete the course evaluation and claim credit.
Evaluate the sessions that you attended. IMPORTANT: You will be required to claim the number of credits based on the sessions attended. The credit type awarded is noted in the session title.
Keynote Presentations: 1.5 credit.
Breakout Sessions: 1 credit.
*If you attended all keynote presentations and 1 sessions for each breakout, the full credit for the course is 22 credits for AAPA, APA, AMA and ANCC/ 21 credits for ASWB.
Credit Type:
AAPA: American Academy of Physician Assistants
APA: American Psychology Association
AMA: American Medical Association (CME)
ANCC: American Nursing Credentialing Center
ASWB: Association of Social Work Boards
Note: Credit is awarded based on the profession (not degree) selected in your account profile. Other health care professionals will receive a certificate of attendance. If you have any question related to credit please Contact Us or email ccehs_support@upmc.edu. For all other questions, please contact Alicyn Simpson, alicyn.simpson@chp.edu.