Patient Safety/Risk Management

Are patient safety and/or risk management credits designated on my UPMC CME credit transcript?

Patient safety and/or risk management credits are self-claimed. There is not a requirement for CME providers to designate patient safety and/or risk management credit, however, in many instances, your credit transcript will designate relevant education with a patient safety/risk management footnote.

How do I know if a CME activity satisfies the requirement for patient safety or risk management?

The following list of topics that will satisfy the patient safety/risk management requirement:

  • Improving medical records and record keeping
  • Reducing medical errors
  • Professional conduct and ethics
  • Improving communication among physicians and with other health care personnel
  • Communication between physicians and patients
  • Preventive medicine education
  • Health care quality improvement

If CME activity falls within these topics, you can count it toward the patient safety/risk management requirement. The course does not have to state, and very likely may not, that it is a patient safety or risk management course.

Does UPMC provide any online opportunities for meeting the the patient safety/risk management requirement?

Yes, the UPMC CCEHS certifies hundreds of online modules to help meet the patient safety/risk management requirement. Please remember, Patient/Safety Risk Management is self-designated by the physician).

Do the patient safety or risk management credit hours need to be in Category 1?

According to the regulations, the patient safety or risk management credit hours can be in either Category 1 or Category 2. 

If I have 12 Category 1 credit hours in patient safety or risk management topics, may I count these for both the Category 1 requirement and the patient safety/risk management requirement?

Yes, if any of the patient-safety credit hours that a physician has earned are Category 1 credit hours, they can be counted toward both the Category 1 requirement and the patient safety/risk management requirement.