1st Annual Pittsburgh Sarcoma Research Collaborative (PSaRC) Sarcoma Symposium: Building Bridges Between Pittsburgh’s Sarcoma Experts

September 6, 2019

To increase the researcher’s and health care provider’s knowledge of the biology, translational science and clinical management of soft tissue and bone sarcomas and emerging treatments.


Target Audience

Physicians, Researchers, Advanced Practice Providers, Nurses, and other health care providers who take care of patients with bone and soft tissue sarcomas

Additional Information

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Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 0.00 Attendance
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
09/06/2019 - 9:00am EDT
Event ends: 
09/06/2019 - 4:00pm EDT


Continental Breakfast 8:00-9:00AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks 9:00-9:10AM

Kelly M. Bailey, MD, PhD, and Melissa A. Burgess, MD

Pitt Welcome 9:10-9:15AM

Julia M. Spears, PhD Associate Vice Provost for Academic Innovation

UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Director’s Welcome 9:15-9:25AM

Robert L. Ferris, MD, PhD

Session 1: Sarcoma Biology 9:30-10:45AM

Introduction 9:30-9:35AM

Moderator: Rebecca J. Watters, PhD

GPCRs and Immune Evasion in Osteosarcoma 9:35-9:50AM

Prasanna Ekambaram, PhD

Development of a multi-fluorescent osteosarcoma mouse model to elucidate the cell

dynamics of osteosarcoma metastasis 9:50-10:05AM

Giuseppe Intini, PhD, DDS

Identification of novel therapeutic targets for metastatic osteosarcoma 10:05-10:20AM

Rebecca J. Watters, PhD

From Biology to Therapy: Developing Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Gastrointestinal

Stromal Tumors (GIST) 10:20-10:35AM

Anette Duensing, MD

Panel Discussion and Summary of Sarcoma Biology 10:35-10:45AM

Break 10:45-11:00AM

Keynote Lecture: Metastatic sarcoma clinical trials in a post-olaratumab world 11:00AM-NOON

Robert G. Maki, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine

Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Director, Center for New Cancer Therapies at Northwell Health Institute

Lunch accompanying “Fireside Chat” with Dr. Robert Maki and Pittsburgh Cure Sarcoma


Moderator: Donald Taylor, PhD, MBA, MS Director, Pitt sciVelo

Session 2: Sarcoma Translational Science 1:00-2:15PM

Introduction 1:00-1:05PM

Moderator: Kurt R. Weiss, MD

The Intersection of DNA Damage and Immunogenicity in Ewing Sarcoma 1:05-1:20PM

Kelly Bailey, MD, PhD

Metastatic Osteosarcoma Translational Research: Don't Forget Your Lucky

Penny 1:20-1:35PM

Kurt R. Weiss, MD

Systemic Immunophenotyping for Osteosarcoma 1:35-1:50PM

Brock Lindsey, MD

Defining a Therapeutic Target in Uterine Leiomyosarcomas 1:50-2:05PM

Sarah Taylor, MD

Panel Discussion and Summary of Sarcoma Translational Science 2:05-2:15PM

Break 2:15-2:30PM

Session 3: Sarcoma in the Clinic 2:30-3:35PM

Introduction 2:35-2:35PM

Moderator: Melissa A. Burgess, MD

Immunotherapy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma: The Future is Bright 2:35-2:50PM

Melissa A. Burgess, MD

Surgical Oncology Perspective on Management of Soft Tissue Sarcom 2:50-3:05PM

David L. Bartlett, MD

Combining Radiation Therapy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma with Novel Systemic

Therapies 3:05-3:20PM

Adam C. Olson, MD

Interpreting Margins in Extremity Sarcoma 3:20-3:35PM

Stella Lee, MD

Panel Discussion and Summary of Sarcoma Clinical Science 3:35-3:45PM

Closing Remarks and the Future of Sarcoma Research at the University of Pittsburgh 3:35-


Anette Duensing, MD, and Kurt R. Weiss, MD

Close 4:00PM


University Club, Conference Room A, Oakland, Pittsburgh, PA

Presented by UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of Pittsburgh

University Club, Conference Room A, Oakland
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
United States

No CME credit awarded.


Available Credit

  • 0.00 Attendance
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Click the Complete course/registration button and enter all the requested information.  After registering, an electronic confirmation will be sent to you.  Online registration is complete upon receipt of a confirmation email.  If you do not receive this email within 5–7 days of registration, please contact Melissa Burgess at 412-623-7277. To assure participation, registration and payment are expected by September 1, 2019.

More Information/Registration:
For questions please contact Melissa Burgess at [email protected]
or 412-623-7277. Registration is available at https://cce.upmc.com in the catalog tab.