Chemotherapy Hybrid Course Pharmacology Videos

This is the pharmacology video portion of the Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Hybrid Course. You have completed the pharmacology videos you have received from the course director and turned in the Pharmacology Video record. To receive the certificate for continuing education units you should complete the evaluation, claim your credit and print your certificate.


    Target Audience

    UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Nurses

    Learning Objectives

     Learning Objectives

    After participation in this activity, the learner will be able to:

    • Discuss the roles of chemotherapy and biotherapy in the treatment of cancer 
    • Recall the pharmacology of different classes of antineoplastic or supportive therapies
    • Recognize side effects and organ toxicities that patients may experience while receiving antineoplastic or supportive therapies
    • Discuss management strategies for patients receiving antineoplastic or supportive therapies, including the prevention and treatment of toxicities and side effects
    • Describe the safe administration of antineoplastic and supportive therapies
    • Develop a patient care management plan for a patient receiving antineoplastic therapies
    Course summary
    Available credit: 
    • 17.50 ANCC
      UPMC Provider Unit is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
    Course opens: 
    Course expires: 
    UPMC Hillman Cancer Center
    United States

    This is a self study

    Speakers with Credentials



    Speaker and Credentials

    Principles of Cancer Drug Therapy

    Paul Huffman, PharmD

    Alkylating Agents

    Gerald Mascara, PharmD, BCOP


    Tim George, PharmD, BCOP

    Antitumor Antibiotics

    Brian Miller, PharmD

    Chemo Protectants

    Becky McClelland, MSN-Ed, RN, OCN

    CAR T Therapy

    Shrina Duggal, PharmD, BCOP

    Check Point Inhibitors

    Gerald Mascara, PharmD, BCOP

    Growth Factors

    Linda Lakdawala, DNP, RN, CPAN

    Hormonal Therapies: Breast

    Courtney Stetor, MPAS, PA-C

    Hormone Therapies: Prostate

    Tom Boyer, PA-C

    Interferon, IL2, L-asparaginase, and Vaccines

    Shrina Duggal, PharmD, BCOP

    Miscellaneous Agents

    Tim George, PharmD, BCOP

    Monoclonal Antibodies

    Brian Miller, PharmD

    Oral Adherence

    Hannah Peterson PA-C

    Understanding Toxicity Management & Adverse Events of Chemotherapy

    Becky McClelland, MSN-Ed, RN, OCN

    Plant Alkaloids

    Peggy Nikolajski, MSN, CRNP, AOCNP

    Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors part 1

    Amanda Agnew, PharmD, BCOP

    Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors part 2

    Jason Steele, PharmD, BCOP


    In support of improving patient care, the University of Pittsburgh is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

    To receive 17.5 Contact Hours the learner must sign in and attend the entire activity and complete the activity evaluation.

    Available Credit

    • 17.50 ANCC
      UPMC Provider Unit is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
    Please login or register to take this course.