Systemwide Annual Mandatory Training for UPMC Physicians (CME) and Advanced Practice Providers Bundle 2023-24


Choose Register/Complete Course to complete all of the required modules.

Target Audience

Physicians not employed directly by UPMC.

Note: This course is designed for physicians that DO NOT have access to the Learning App on UPMC HR Direct, which is accessible via the UPMC Infonet. 

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Identify bloodborne pathogen types, types of transmission, locate the exposure policy and the steps for preventing against BBP
  • Define and identify fraud and abuse, determine examples of fraud and abuse, identify nationwide policies applicable to fraud and abuse, and locate reporting options
  • Identify how to prepare for severe weather, the evacuation procedures and what to do in severe weather emergencies
  • Define the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), identify the various aspects and regulations of EMTALA and recognize how to handle a patient who appears in the ER Department.
  • Identify steps in place for security at their facility, general security functions, and discuss what to do in the event of a safety or security issue
  • Define equity and determine the differences between equity and equality and identify ways to incorporate equity into the workplace
  • Identify many of the infectious diseases patients face while in the hospital and outline prevention of infection spread
  • Identify some of the common forms of technology scams and shortcomings, and how to safely use computers and technology in the workplace
  • Identify policies in place to protect patient information and determine how best to protect and handle sensitive information
  • Identify warning signs of fatigue and determine how best to manage one’s sleep patterns
  • Identify the various types of workplace harassment and about how to report complaints and create a safe environment
  • Define workplace violence and the roles and responsibilities related to workplace threats or violence
  • Identify the reasons that support starting an antimicrobial stewardship program
  • Recognize important factors when prescribing an antibiotic
  • Recall the hours in which a patient’s antimicrobial therapy should be reassessed
  • Describe antimicrobial stewardship at UPMC hospitals
  • Articulate and demonstrate an organization’s commitment to legal and ethical conduct
  • Provide guidance on how to handle compliance questions and concerns
  • Provide guidance on how to identify and report compliance violations.
  • Learn how to create a safe and just culture that focuses on the elimination of preventable harm to our patients and enhance the culture of safety across all locations.
  • Identify the costs and concerns of patient safety issues and explain how to report patient safety concerns
  • Define what is a stroke, and identify the symptoms of a stroke and recognize what to do if you encounter someone having a stroke.
  • Discuss the definition of a restraint, and identify alternatives to restraints and the process for ordering a restraint
  • Identify the requirements for documentation when restraint use is necessary
  • Recognize the Elder Justice Act's purpose and penalties for failure to report
  • Acknowledge the time requirements in which reports must be made, and define serious bodily injury
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 4.25 AAPA Category I CME
    • 4.25 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 4.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
    • 4.25 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 4.25 Attendance
    • 4.25 Patient Safety/Risk Management
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


  • Brian Bachowski — Director, Systemwide Regulatory and Accreditation Services
  • Rebecca Glista - MSN, CCRNK, CIC — Senior Infection Preventionist, Wolff Center at UPMC
  • Andrea Clark-Smith, JD Vice President, Employment and Labor Group and Senior Associate Counsel for UPMC
  • David Bubas - Lecturer, Health Policy and Management; Director, Diversity Strategy Execution and Workplace Inclusion, UPMC Center for Engagement and Inclusion
  • Jeffrey Jordan — Information Security Analyst & Technical Information Assurance Services Writer at UPMC Susquehanna
  • Jeffrey McGill, MS - Manager of clinical services at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
  • Deborah Mauser Jones - Manager, ISD, PAG-ISD System Security, UPMC
  • Andrew Miller - CRP Manager, Compliance, UPMC
  • David Samar - Senior Manager Office of Patient and Consumer Privacy at UPMC
  • Anyssa Greco - Director, Emergency Preparedness at UPMC
  • Tina Khadem, PharmD, BCPS - Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases UPMC; Pharmacy Director, UPMC Health System Antimicrobial Stewardship; Pharmacy Director, Infectious Disease Connect Inc. Virtual Antimicrobial Stewardship 
  • Tara Styers- CRP Compliance Analyst, UPMC
  • Paul E. Phrampus, MD — Director of the Peter M. Winter Institute for Simulation, Education and Research (WISER)
  • Stephanie L. Henry, MSN, RN - Program Director, UPMC Stroke Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Angie Borgo -Senior Director of Quality Education and Compliance at UPMC Senior Living Communities

Unless specified above, no relationships with industry relevant to the content of this educational activity have been disclosed.

All presenters disclosure of relevant financial relationships with any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services, used on, or consumed by, patients is listed above.  No other planners, members of the planning committee, speakers, presenters, authors, content reviewers and/or anyone else in a position to control the content of this education activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose.



In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by the University of Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics. The University of Pittsburgh is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Physician (CME) 

The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 4.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Physician Assistant (AAPA)

The University of Pittsburgh has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 4.25 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation. 

Other health care professionals will receive a certificate of attendance confirming the number of contact hours commensurate with the extent of participation in this activity.



Available Credit

  • 4.25 AAPA Category I CME
    • 4.25 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 4.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
    • 4.25 Patient Safety/Risk Management
  • 4.25 Attendance
    • 4.25 Patient Safety/Risk Management

Register/Take course

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Choose Register/Complete Course to complete all of the required modules. You must complete the modules in order. 

First time Users: If you have never completed training on this website, please select register in the upper right hand corner of the webpage.

Returning Users: If you have completed training on this website, please log in in the upper right hand corner of the webpage.

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