Fall 2019 Preceptor CE Seminar: Updates in Pharmacy Practice and Education

The goal of this continuing education program is to educate attendees about the latest advances in immunizations, emerging information about the use of electronic cigarettes, and a new framework for student pharmacist assessment in experiential learning.  

Target Audience

This continuing education program is intended for pharmacists and other health care professionals interested in learning about newest published recommendations for immunizations, use of e-cigarettes in adolescents and teenagers, and the assessment framework of entrustable professional activities for student pharmacist learning.

Learning Objectives

Speaker #1: Kristine Schonder, PharmD

What’s New with Flu? (and Other Vaccine Updates)


1. Discuss updates to recommendations for influenza vaccine

2. Explain expanded indications for adult vaccinations

3. Determine appropriate vaccine recommendations for unique patient characteristics


Speaker #2: George Zlupko, MD, FCCP, CWS, FCCWS



1. Develop an understanding of the components of e-cigarette smoke

2. Identify the elements of the nicotine cycle

3. Recognize the impact of e-cigarette use on adolescents and teenagers


Speaker #3: Luke Berenbrok, PharmD, MS, BCACP, CTTS

Entrustable Professional Activities: A New Assessment Framework for Experiential Learning


1. Describe entrustable professional activities and levels of entrustment/supervision

2. Demonstrate how entrustable professional activities facilitate experiential learning and assessment for student pharmacists

3. Compare and contrast levels of entrustment/supervision to the University of Pittsburgh’s existing mastery scale

Additional Information

PDF icon T607-Pharmacy_Fall_2019_02.pdf128.81 KB
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 3.00 ACPE Pharmacy
    The UPMC Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education.
  • 3.00 Attendance
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

The goal of this continuing education program is to educate attendees about the latest advances in immunizations, emerging information about the use of electronic cigarettes, and a new framework for student pharmacist assessment in experiential learning.  

BST 120
Pittsburgh, PA
United States

Please note that this program is being held in the Biomedical Science Tower (BST) which is immediately behind and connects to the UPMC Presbyterian Parking Garage.  Free parking in UPMC Presbyterian Garage on Terrace Street.  PLEASE BE CERTAIN TO INFORM THE PARKING ATTENDANT THAT YOU ARE ATTENDING THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY CE SEMINAR.  Take the garage elevator to the Yellow (D) Level and go through the doors into the BST lobby.  The room for the program can be accessed from the lobby.

PDF icon Zlupko COI.pdfPDF icon COI Disclosure Form Oct 20 KSchonder.pdfPDF icon berenbrok_CE_COI_disclosure_form_F19.pdfKristine Schonder, PharmD

Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and Therapeutics

University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy

Clinical Specialist, Transplant, Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, UPMC

Pittsburgh, PA


George Zlupko, MD, FCCP, CWS, FCCWS

Director, Lung Disease Center of Central Pennsylvania

Altoona Lung Specialists

Altoona, PA


Luke Berenbrok, PharmD, MS, BCACP, CTTS

Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and Therapeutics

University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy

Pittsburgh, PA


In support of improving patient care, the University of Pittsburgh is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

This knowledge-based activity provides 3.0 contact hours of continuing pharmacy education credit.

0481-0000-19-156-L06-P, 0481-0000-19-157-L05-P, 0481-0000-19-158-L04-P

Available Credit

  • 3.00 ACPE Pharmacy
    The UPMC Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education.
  • 3.00 Attendance
Please login or register to take this course.

Online Registration:

Be sure to register for this program on this site as well as visit our online registration site at https://ccehs.upmc.com to accept payments. 

Click the link for Upcoming Events and scroll down to the “October 20, 2019 –  Fall 2019 Preceptor CE Seminar: Updates in Pharmacy Practice and Education” section on the web page.  Click the registration button and enter all the requested information.  After registering, an electronic confirmation will be sent to you.  Online registration is complete upon receipt of a confirmation email.  If you do not receive this email within 5–7 days of registration, please contact Carolyn Dorn at [email protected] or phone (412) 647-8313.


$30.00 - Non UPMC Pharmacists              

$20.00 - Non UPMC Pharmacy Technicians          

$0.00 - UPMC Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians, and University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy Faculty and Preceptors           


Online registration is available until Tuesday,  October 15, 2019. After October 15, 2019 onsite registration will be available the day of the course. Space is limited so register early.

Registrations will be accepted the day of the conference.

Contact Carolyn Dorn at [email protected] or phone (412) 647-8313 if you are not able to register online.