Monthly Update on Safe and Accurate Medication Preparation and Use - November 1, 2019

Pharmacists: new medications and new procedures to meet regulatory and safety requirements for dispensing, prescribing, monitoring and administrating medications are constantly being released and updated.  Now Pharmacists will understand the safe and effective use of new medications and medication-related policies to ensure optimal patient outcome.


Pharmacy Technicians: new medications and new procedures to meet regulatory and safety requirements for compounding and dispensing medications are constantly being released and updated.  Now Pharmacy Technicians will receive up-to-date and accurate information to inform them of the correct procedures for safe and effective medication preparation and dispensing.

Target Audience

Pharmacists from the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy and/or employed by UPMC and deployed throughout the hospital campus in unit based roles and centrally in the department of pharmacy's main pharmacy.

Learning Objectives

Please list the learning objectives for Pharmacists (all that apply):

1.            Describe the role of a pharmacist in optimizing safe and effective medication preparation or use.

2.            List two ways that a pharmacist can be compliant with the presented procedure or policy.


Please list the learning objectives for Pharmacy Technicians (all that apply):

1.            Describe the role of a pharmacy technician in safe and accurate medication preparation or dispensing. 

2.            List two ways that a pharmacy technician can be compliant with the presented procedure or policy.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 0.50 ACPE Pharmacy
    The UPMC Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education.
  • 0.50 ACPE Technician
    The UPMC Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Pharmacists: new medications and new procedures to meet regulatory and safety requirements for dispensing, prescribing, monitoring and administrating medications are constantly being released and updated.  Now Pharmacists will understand the safe and effective use of new medications and medication-related policies to ensure optimal patient outcome.


Pharmacy Technicians: new medications and new procedures to meet regulatory and safety requirements for compounding and dispensing medications are constantly being released and updated.  Now Pharmacy Technicians will receive up-to-date and accurate information to inform them of the correct procedures for safe and effective medication preparation and dispensing.

UPMC Presbyterian
Pittsburgh, PA
United States

CPE Accreditation Statement

The University of Pittsburgh Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education. 

The assigned universal program number(s) are: 0481-0000-19-119-L04-P  and  0481-0000-19-119-L04-T

Available Credit

  • 0.50 ACPE Pharmacy
    The UPMC Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education.
  • 0.50 ACPE Technician
    The UPMC Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education.
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