Comprehensive Crisis Management Trainer Re-Education_June 15-16, 2021

Pittsburgh, PA US
June 15, 2021 to June 16, 2021


The Comprehensive Crisis Management Trainer Re-education Program is a 16-hour training designed to give trainers updated knowledge, skills, and information needed to instruct the CCM training program. The CCM Trainer Re-education Program is required annually for instructors to maintain their instructor certification.

Prerequisite for training: 
•    Participant must have completed Comprehensive Crisis Management Train the Trainer or CCM Trainer Re-education within the past year.  
•    Organization must have an active service agreement on file.

Course Requirements:
•    Trainee must have sufficient clinical experience and be physically capable to become a competent trainer.
•    Training must be performed in teams of at least two trainers.
•    Training can only be given to members of your agency.
•    Trainers must be re-certified by Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic annually.
•    Trainers must follow the program and instructor requirements which will be discussed during the training.  

Dress: Please plan to dress casually for the entire week (jeans, sweats, etc).  Each day of the week will be divided between the lecture and physical portions of the program, so please be comfortable. 

For questions about this class please contact:
Daniel Lichok
(412) 864-5049

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
06/15/2021 - 8:00am EDT
Event ends: 
06/16/2021 - 4:30pm EDT


Champion Commons
5231 Penn Ave
Conference Room 116
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
United States

Register/Take course


Please login or register to take this course.

Tuition: $385

A full refund of your registrations costs will be given for cancellations received 2 business days prior to the start of the class. Cancellations should made to the Crisis Training Institute at (412) 864-5049, please include your name and date(s) of the training you were scheduled to attend, date and time you are calling. No refunds will be given for cancellations occurring within 2 business days of the start of the training.

Dress: Please plan to dress casually for the entire week (jeans, sweats, etc).  Each day of the week will be divided between the lecture and physical portions of the program, so please be comfortable. 

Prerequisite for training: 
•    Participant must have completed Comprehensive Crisis Management Train the Trainer or CCM Trainer Re-education within the past year.  
•    Organization must have an active service agreement on file.

Course Requirements:
•    Trainee must have sufficient clinical experience and be physically capable to become a competent trainer.
•    Training must be performed in teams of at least two trainers.
•    Training can only be given to members of your agency.
•    Trainers must be re-certified by Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic annually.
•    Trainers must follow the program and instructor requirements which will be discussed during the training.  

For questions about this class please contact:
Daniel Lichok
(412) 864-5049